4 Tips For Getting Accepted To A Veterinary Internship

4 Tips For Getting Accepted To A Veterinary Internship

4 Tips For Getting Accepted To A Veterinary Internship

8 January 2020
Pets & Animals, Blog

If you're enthusiastic about science and animals, veterinary medicine is an excellent career choice. As a veterinarian, you will have the opportunity to help animals in many ways, either in a hands-on capacity or as a veterinary researcher. In order to become a vet, you'll have to go through many years of rigorous schooling. Internships may also be part of your training. Here are four tips that can help you get accepted to the veterinary internship of your choice.

1. Seek out an internship that suits your professional goals.

There are many veterinary internship opportunities for veterinary medicine students. You can find internships at facilities that cater to large animals, like the zoo. You can also find internships at vet practices that serve small animals, such as family pets. If you're more interested in the academic side of veterinary medicine, you can even find an internship at a research lab.

2. Read the application instructions carefully.

Before filling out your application, make sure you read the instructions carefully. You don't want to be disqualified based on a technicality that could have been easily avoided. Make sure you submit your application in the form requested; some businesses prefer that all applications and resumes are submitted electronically, while others only accept hard copies.

3. Get a second opinion on your resume.

It can be difficult to see the weaknesses in your own resume, especially after you've been looking at it for a while. During the editing process, it's helpful to get a second pair of eyes to evaluate it. If possible, try to find someone who's familiar with the field of veterinary medicine. A trusted professor is the perfect person to evaluate your resume before you send it to potential internship employers. If you don't have a professor who's willing to help you with this, any friend or family member who's familiar with professional writing can help you.

4. Practice for your interview.

Internship interviews are just like job interviews. During the interview, you'll need to present yourself as professionally as possible. Your interviewer will ask you a series of questions in order to decide if you're a good candidate for the position. If you're nervous speaking in front of people, it's a good idea to practice before your actual interview. You can find a list of common questions online and ask a friend to role-play the interview with you. Having answers ready for the most common interview questions will help you look prepared and calm during your actual interview.

For more information, contact veterinary internships opportunities in your area.

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