Here's What To Expect When Getting Your Pet Vaccinated For The First Time

Here's What To Expect When Getting Your Pet Vaccinated For The First Time

Here's What To Expect When Getting Your Pet Vaccinated For The First Time

9 January 2020
, Blog

Making sure that your pet is properly vaccinated as they age is crucial. Vaccinations will keep your pet from getting seriously ill and help ensure that no illnesses or diseases are passed on to other animals that your pet comes in contact with. Here is what you can expect when getting your pet vaccinations for the first time:

The Vet Visit

Your vaccination appointment will probably be a lot like any other vet visit, but you can expect to spend a little time learning about each vaccination your pet will be getting and what kinds of side effects, if any, might be experienced by your pet during or after the administration of the vaccinations. It should only take a few minutes to actually vaccinate your pet.

Afterward, your vet will do a quick check up to make sure that your pet is stable and that they aren't having any reactions to the vaccinations. At this time, you'll have an opportunity to have your questions answered and your concerns addressed so you feel confident when your pet is back in your sole care at home.

The Recovery Period

Depending on the types of vaccinations that your pet gets and whether they receive any anesthesia, drowsiness and nausea may be experienced for a few hours after you get back home. Your pet may want to lay around and rest instead of play like they usually do. And they might pass on the meal you try to offer them. But your pet should start acting like themselves again within just an hour or two after getting home.

You should keep an eye on the vaccination locations overnight to make sure no rashes or other signs of side effects develop. As long as your pet is eating, drinking, and playing again the next day there shouldn't be a need for a follow-up visit with the vet.

The Planning Process

Depending on the age of your pet, the condition of their health, and their vaccination history, your veterinarian will be able to determine what future vaccinations will be needed and when those vaccinations should be administered. Ask your vet for a complete list of vaccinations your pet will need in the future and a general timeline of when they should be given to your pet so you can create a vaccination schedule at home. You can use the schedule to make vaccination appointments when necessary and to ensure that you don't overlook the need for even one vaccination as time goes on.

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Animal Love: A Website Dedicated to Pets

Guinea pigs, cats, dogs, miniature pigs, rabbits — each of these pets has its own characteristics and requires a different level of care. Guinea pigs need to have a large cage and fresh veggies to thrive. Dogs need space to run and a carefully balanced diet. You love your pets, so of course you want to give them the very best. On this website, you will learn more about what the best really is for each animal. We've collected articles on grooming, feeding, and even vaccinating your pets. In reading this information, you'll not only learn more about caring for your own pet, but also about caring for the pets of friends and family members.
